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Good Girls Talk About Sex

Aug 13, 2020

A variety of women answer whether or not they enjoy giving oral sex; host Leah goes more in-depth about her own personal experiences and preferences, and about how to engage in, negotiate, and enjoy the act. Then, the discussion turns to navigating a polyamorous relationship for someone new to the practice.

Extra Bits:

PSA—Beware of performative standards (what you see in porn), and always feel free to negotiate the specifics of a sex act according to what is both comfortable and pleasurable for you—like, if you have a sensitive gag reflex, or don’t want ejaculate in your mouth. And on the flip side, positive feedback is important!


Bookmark moments:

  • 3:45 - Leah shares how her recent move with her partner into a two-bedroom apartment gives them the option to sleep solo, and why this is a good thing for the relationship and not a sign of deprivation or trouble.
  • 5:41 - “Do you enjoy giving oral sex?” – the women answer.
  • 12:51 - Leah answers: “I’m a bit agnostic about genitals.”
  • 14:27 - Leah talks about her refusal to swallow ejaculate, and how she and her partner innovated around it.
  • 17:01 - Her current partner communicates what he wants and likes, and guides her with positive feedback to hone in on what feels best that also feels good to her to provide.
  • 18:05 - Leah discusses the myth of the home field advantage in oral sex.
  • 21:17 - Am I Normal? – “Am I crazy to believe I might be ok with her sleeping with other people?”
  • 22:14 – Leah answers: Is it possible for a mixed monogamous/polyamorous relationship to work?
  • 28:09 – New podcast recommendation:

Sistory Untold - join hosts Marva and Sabrina as they explore history through the eyes of sisterhood

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AM I NORMAL?: Leave a message for Leah at 720-GOOD-SEX (720-466-3739)

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Host – Leah Carey (website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, email)

Music – Nazar Rybak